Is it haunted or are you paranoid

You are receiving this test for a reason this is very important answer truly please it is nice to have believer thanks you are awesome :) :) :) :):):)

Are you special you have the eyes and ears to qualify for the prestigious title until now you could only Wonder but thanks to this quiz and just a few minutes you'll find out

Created by: Gigi

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you ever home alone and hear something?
  2. Do you ever see something on the corner of your ed year and when you look clearly it isn't there anymore
  3. Do you ever hear something that is unexplainable
  4. Are you a ghost believer
  5. Do you watch videos about this kind of stuff
  6. What your feelings about your house
  7. Are you joking
  8. :) or :(
  9. Do you have unexplainable dreams / nightmares
  10. Do you tell people

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Quiz topic: Is it haunted or am I paranoid