Is he the one of ur dreams?

There r many couples who break up at 1 point but few really love each other.The saying u nvr no wat u have until uve lost it couldnt b more true and win u get ur heart broke u feel so alone. but in the future b4 anything happens take this test and it will help decide ur future!

have u had a recent heart break?did u feel alone and defeated? if u answered yes 2 any of these questions i no how u feel. in the future take this quiz if u feel ur falling in love w/ the guy u r dating and help make ur love life a btr place.

Created by: bieberluver2222

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. how long have u non him/dated him?
  2. can u picture him in ur life in 10 years from now
  3. how do pl discribe u 2
  4. r u 2 the same age or within 5year of each others birthdays
  5. Wat wuz ur first date
  6. have u shared ur first kiss ye(w/ him NOT somebody else)
  7. how compatible do u think u 2 r
  8. is he the center of ur world
  9. how bad do u want it 2 b him(ur solemate)
  10. how much do u love him
  11. r u excited 2 c if he is the one of ur dreams?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?
  12. do u feel he is hiding something from u

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