If you can guess my name!

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hey yall! i tried to put a song for more words but apparently there is too much repeated content so....What's my name what's my name? (Uma)Say it louderWhat's my name What's my name? (Uma)Feel the powerNo one's gonna stop us soon the world will be oursWhat's my name what's my name?What's it, what's it, say it, say it(Uuuuuuma, Uuuuuma)

i am going to repeat it again, so don't forget to rate and comment!What's my name what's my name? (Uma)Say it louderWhat's my name What's my name? (Uma)Feel the powerNo one's gonna stop us soon the world will be oursWhat's my name what's my name?What's it, what's it, say it, say it(Uuuuuuma, Uuuuuma)

  1. don't you love the goat? i am not a goat don't worry...
  2. whats my name?
  3. whats my name?
  4. whats my name?
  5. What’s my name?
  6. What’s my name?
  7. I know this quiz sucks but I’m just going to add a couple more lame questions ok?
  8. What’s my name?
  9. What’s my name?
  10. Were your answers consistent?

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