What DDLC character are you?

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HEYYYY how are yall...another fandom quiz with ddlc :3 Hope yall are doing well! 'Yes we are most amazing person' well thanks :3 anywho you can start the quiz...

SIKE MORE TO READ...you all are poggers..im always here! *gives virtual hug* hope you HANG around! yea I'll stop *walks away sadly* WHYYY ;-; well 10 more words- nvm byee have fun

  1. 1. Would you ever like a friend's crush without doing anything?
  2. 2. What kind of clothes do you like?
  3. 3. How much would you say you care about others?
  4. 4. Pick a school-related item
  5. 5. Pick a word :3
  6. 6. What would you do if you had some free time and there was no wifi?
  7. 7. Which one of these fits you the most?
  8. 8. What do people see you as (or what you think they see you as)
  9. 9. (Im cruel) how would you like to die?
  10. 10... I'm done should I make another sayori dark joke...
  11. 11. I'll say it anywho... How did MC find sayori... She was just HANGIN around.

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Quiz topic: What DDLC character am I?
