I'm back after 2 months! :D

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AWWWW I MISSED YOU GUYS :(((( I haven't been here for a long long while. That's why I'm back! Oh and if you wanna talk to me in Quotev here's my account: liasenpaii

Oh and, to be honest...Things really changed here, it's doesn't feel the same anymore. And in Quotev too...things changed. I kinda miss the past... :(

Created by: h0n3y_lia
  1. Hello! :D
  2. I haven't been here for a long time :0
  3. Things changed here :( It doesn't feel the same anymore..
  4. Do you remember Milky (Honey_Milk)? That b---- that cyberbullied me?
  5. She isn't here anymore, neither in Quotev...
  6. Oh and those users that threw me hate for no reason lmao
  7. And when the mods kicked me out because I was underage TwT
  8. Oh and do you still remember when I was depressed?
  9. Well I'm not depressed anymore! And I'm not an introvert anymore! Now I'm happy (Maybe, I guess, Idk) I'm an extrovert, I have many friends!
  10. But... I have ADHD (I really but really think I have it)
  11. And now I'm a asexual biromantic!!
  12. I think I don't have anything else to say lol
  13. Bye bye!

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