I'm a hotdog!!!

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Ok, this quiz was made for a dare, lol. So it's kinda weird, XD. Skdkdkididkdjeidndkdididisjfjifiendididkdkdiidndkdifkfkfkkdlsirififjcnxkididkdieifjdk


Created by: derecho
  1. Aight, so just in case you were wondering. Yes, I am a hotdog!!!
  2. Alright, so right now, I am stuck in a hotdog bun. Lol, it's kinda comfy in here.
  3. Yes, it is annoying that I've got ketchup on my nose. I wish people wouldn't do this to me.
  4. Someone is gonna put mustard on me. Mustard is the worst. It stings my eyes, and it just HURTS!!! Then I realized someone was making me into a chili dog!!!
  5. I think these are gonna be the last moments, when I can see. Ok, I should savor them...
  6. Alright, lemme see. Ok, I see a cute orange kitty pouncing on a mouse, and...
  7. And I see Sonic. He's comforting Tails, cause Tails is scared of the thunderstorm...
  8. It was kinda wierd, cause I didn't know who was holding me. But someone was about to eat me!!!
  9. LIGHTNING STRIKES!!! Suddenly I was dropped to the floor. I looked up and saw...
  10. ...Tails. I saw Tails. He had been trying to eat me.
  11. Tails had dropped me in fright. He covered his ears and whimpered. I looked around the room, searching for a place to hide...
  12. But then I saw the orange kitty. She walked over to me. "Hi, my name is Raccoon. I'm here to save you." Raccoon grabbed me by her mouth and carried me away.
  13. After she had carried me for a while, she dropped me on some grass.
  14. After about an hour of hiding, the thunderstorm stopped, I saw Sonic and Tails walking toward me.
  15. Then I saw Raccoon walk out of the shadows. She walked over to Sonic and Tails.
  16. They talked for a few minutes. I could barely hear what they were saying. Tails kept pointing at me and saying 'food.' That scared me. But eventually it seemed that they had reached an agreement.
  17. Raccoon scurried away from Sonic and Tails, toward me. She whispered in my ear. "You must agree to be Tails' bodyguard.' I was shocked. She continued, "Tails is not convinced you are actually a good guy. He wants to eat you. To prove you worth, you must serve as his bodyguard for a week"
  18. Eventually she convinced me. Sonic and Tails then walked over to me. Sonic asked, "Will you be Tails' bodyguard?" "Yes," I choked. "Then go as a free hotdog," Tails said. "Wait... must I be your bodyguard?" I asked
  19. "No, you may go," Raccoon said, "you have proven that you're a good guy."
  20. I said goodbye to Tails, Sonic, and Raccoon and I now live as a free hotdog.
  21. Aloha!!!

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