I know your age

In this quiz I will prove I know your age, because I do. Take my quiz, and that will prove it. Remember that I know your age! And I hope you enjoy this quiz.

First things first. I know your age. And here, I will prove that I know it. PLease enjoy, and comment after you take it! Because remember, I know your age and I will prove it!

Created by: Me
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Do you sing?
  3. What's your favorite Frozen song?
  4. What's your favorite Disney or Pixar movie?
  5. Do you trust I'm not using the first question for this quiz?
  6. Are you a male or a female?
  7. Hello, how are you today?
  8. Why are you taking this quiz?
  9. Am I a male or Female?
  10. Thank you for taking this quiz! Are you ready for your results?

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Quiz topic: I know my age