Are you a True Twilight Fan?

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This quiz is test your Twilight knowledge. Can you prove how much of a genius you are. So you must get the score between 85% and 100%. Before you take this though you might want yo brush up on your knowledge.

Are you a genius? If so PROVE IT!! Prove it to the world and get that 1oo% mark. Are you confident enough to face that title? I hope so. This quiz took about 3 HOURS to make so please make the most of it.

Created by: Megan
  1. Which vampire gets killed in Twilight new moon?
  2. What car does Edward have in Twilight?
  3. What is Renee's new husbands name?
  4. In Twilight New Moon, which wolf is in love with Bella?
  5. In Breaking Dawn Pt1, where did Edward and Bella go for their honey moon?
  6. In eclipse who is the enemy?
  7. What is the name of Bella and Edward's daughter?
  8. What is Renesmee's power?
  9. What is the name of Bella's dad?
  10. What is Charlie's job?

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Quiz topic: Am I a True Twilight Fan?