I can find your name.

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hi. do the quiz. .

yep. do it.

Created by: Tigress

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Does your name start with A to E?
  2. What is your favorite color?
  3. Do you like dogs?
  4. Does your 1st name start with the same letter as your last name?
  5. If the awnser to the last question was yes, than what is the 1st letter of your last name?
  6. Do you cheat on tests?
  7. What animal best describes you?
  8. Does your name start with N to S?
  9. O-O lolsalamanderlol O-O
  10. Did you cheat on this test???
  11. Two questions left!!!
  12. What does your name start with? (just checking to see if we got it correct!)
  13. What did you think of this quiz?

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Quiz topic: I can find my name.