Our Drunkenness Quizzes
Do you enjoy drinking, maybe a little too much? These quizzes will have the answer.
Our Drunkenness Quizzes
- Vodka brands - Where are they from?[by: Metamatician, rated: 2.91rated: 2.91/5, published: Apr 15, 2007]
Vodka is one of the world's most popular spirits. Some drink it straight, others on the rocks, and still others mix it with any number of things. Even the…
- What type of jail drunk are you?[by: Amanda, rated: 2.85rated: 2.85/5, published: Aug 7, 2006]
Nearly everyone likes to have a drink now and then. Some make it a hobby. Which one are you? If you were arrested how would you behave with the officials? You…
- The Booze-O-Metre[by: E Lunatic, rated: 3.16rated: 3.16/5, published: Apr 27, 2009]
Many of us spend our time drowning our sorrows or otherwise enjoying the wonders of booze. But, many problems may arise from this careless lifestyle. Have you…
- How drunk are you at the moment[by: Cady, rated: 2.91rated: 2.91/5, published: Jan 25, 2008]
This is a quiz to see if you're drunk or not, and if you are you probably can't read this now, so why should I bother explaining my quiz?! So you could be…
- Are You Drunker than Mel Gibson?[by: Mel, rated: 2.82rated: 2.82/5, published: Aug 2, 2006]
Oh Mel, what have you done? You've gone and had a few too many beers and made some bad decisions. Now it will be hard for you to regain your reputation. Oh…
- Are You A Lush?[by: TBone, rated: 2.78rated: 2.78/5, published: Nov 30, 2006]
What are you? Some kind of Drunk?? How many times have we heard this in our lives? Take this quiz to find out if you are a Drunk, Alcoholic or Teetotaller.
- Are you an alcoholic?[by: Chris, rated: 2.71rated: 2.71/5, published: Mar 29, 2007]
There are many people who enjoy to drink alcohol, and many alcoholics. What is an alcoholic? In what quantity do you need to consume alcohol to be regarded as…
- What kind of Drunk are you?[by: Alyssa, rated: 2.7rated: 2.7/5, published: Jul 25, 2006]
Ther are alot of Drunks out there, but who are they? Drunks can have many different personalities. What is a drunk? Is it someone who drinks without cease or…
- What Beer Are You?[by: tina, rated: 2.69rated: 2.69/5, published: Sep 15, 2006]
Ever wonder what kind of beer best describes you? Some people like to drink casually and call it a night while others don't call it a night until morning. …
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