How you will die??(sequel to how and when will you die)

In this quiz you will be asked a series of questions that will determin how you will Die. If you are supersticious, don't take this quiz! It has amazing results. Really.

I took the quiz... I lived forever!!! How exciting! Wana see how you will Die?? Really outrages results!! Trust me!! I know!! I did make it!! lol How funny... not really.

Created by: Marissa of Myspace
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you accident prone?
  2. Can you swim?
  3. Do you plan to visit other countries?
  4. What is your oppinion on Karma?
  5. Are you overweight??
  6. Do you consider yourself popular?
  7. What color scares you the most?
  8. Are you afraid to find out how you will die?
  9. How long do you expect to live?
  10. One more!! Do you belive in Magic?

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Quiz topic: How you will die??(sequel to how and when will I die)