How Windsor are you?

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So, you think you know Royal Windsor eyyy?? We'll see about that! Do this test and post your results on facebook or twitter or those other social networking sites im clearly too cool for...

Windsor, the town of the great! The Castle towers over the historic town like a mother's bossom to a babe. From Windsor Great Park to Wagamamas (I f***ing love wagamamas), From Windsor College to that really expensive car park behind the theatre... Show your love to Windsor by complete this quiz!

Created by: MrWindsor
  1. Which of the following does not own a house or live in Windsor.
  2. How many Costa Coffee shops are with a 1/2 mile radius of the castle?
  3. Before Legoland was Legoland, it was a Safari Park! Which old school film was it featured in??
  4. Originally a motte and bailey wood structure, which monarch built the first part of Windsor Castle??
  5. Which of the following can you NOT find attatched to the travelodge building?
  6. Which celebrities ancestors was once mayor and built many of the buildings that shape up Windsor??
  7. At Legoland, which of the following is not a real area?
  8. Which of the following is not a pub or bar in Windsor town??
  9. Which of these parks are not within 1/2 a mile of Windsor
  10. How many times has Dorney/Windsor held games for the Olympics
  11. Which of the following statues or monuments is not in Windsor??
  12. What time do you have to wait in your car for about 45mins every other day because thames and high street and closed for the guard change??
  13. What is replacing/ has replaced Millets on the corner by Liquid??
  14. Which of the following is not a road or street in Windsor???

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Quiz topic: How Windsor am I?