What Beatle are you?

The Beatles are the most popular, not to mention best, rock band ever. They had three members, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. They all have certain qualities. Which one are you? Find out with this special quiz.

John Lennon, the founder, played rhythm guitars, and piano. Paul McCartney, the second member, played bass and piano. George Harrison, the third member, played lead guitar. Ringo, the last member, played drums. Also, they all sang. Which are you?

Created by: Rocky

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. So, what's your main instrument?
  2. If you had to donate $1000, what would you donate it to?
  3. If one of you friends had a new girlfriend/boyfriend, and he/she was really getting in the way, what would you do?
  4. Let's say you chose the first answer for that last one. How would you react?
  5. If you are a guy, have you ever had a beard?
  6. How's your sense of humor.
  7. What type of rock do you like?
  8. Have you been in any movies, home-made or professional?
  9. When you play your instrument, do you do anything fancy?
  10. Do you do a lot of collaborative stuff?
  11. What lyrics do you like?
  12. Who's you're favorite Beatle?
  13. Which is your favorite group, other than the Beatles?

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Quiz topic: What Beatle am I?