How Well Do You Understand Burke's Pentad?

Some people just have a knack for rhetoric. Could you be one of them? After browsing the site, do you think you're up for the challenge? Show yourself and everyone else that you're a genius when it comes to the Pentad!

Think you're ready to take on this quiz? After browsing through the site on Burke's Pentad, take a few minutes and find out how much you really know! Only the smartest survive!

Created by: Kristen

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  1. Consider this statement: "My teacher has a problem with girls because he thinks they are not as smart as boys, that's why he calls on girls less in class." What would the phrase "he calls on girls less in class" be considered?
  2. What is the the entity who performs an act called, according to Burke?
  3. When painters paint, they use paint, brushes, and ladders to help them get the job done. What is another word for these tools?
  4. I want to explain to you my decision for leaving my boyfriend. I begin by recounting the first three happy years of the relationship, then move into the last two bad ones. What part of the pentad would best describe this?
  5. What is the main purpose of Pentadic Analysis?
  6. What do you look for when you analyze pentadic ratios?
  7. What is Burke's first name?
  8. What else can we look at once we've found the dominate term?
  9. If you ran through the mall exclaiming to everyone you met that you could fly like a bird, how could I understand the meaning of your actions?
  10. On a scale of 1-10, how much have you learned from this website? Better still, how much fun have you had through this website?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Understand Burke's Pentad?