How well do you know valid after october 18th?

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I just saw a new show called valid until october 18th! On the bus! I’m losing time! No! Go quick! Let’s ride! Not now! Oh! Just hang on TIGHT! NIGHT!

RggytrgfugubdioapwoowowwkkwiiiiowouytrwrrygtgtbhbgbhgbvdfvdcdszsxfnjhnjhmklmlaqwawwsfedrftfrtfNOW!No! Not me! Almost! Let’s fly! Right away! Good plan!

Created by: Starryone
  1. How many kids are there?
  2. Girl/ boy ratio?
  3. What is the name of the very fancy/rich one?
  4. What episode/ season is the one where all the kids go to the rich person’s house?
  5. What is the sporty one’s name?
  6. What is the episode (Q4) called?
  7. What is the cute one’s name?
  8. What is the the smart one’s name?
  9. What season is the episode “ ghosts with speed” in?
  10. Who does the fancy girl transform into?
  11. What are the numbers on their shirts?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know valid after october 18th?

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