how well do you know the teen titans

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do you think you know the teen titans well take this simple quiz to test your basic knowledge on teen titans go yeah !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. take the quiz and know how well you know the teen titans

The Teen Titans are a fictional superhero team appearing in American comic books published by DC Comics, often in an eponymous monthly series. As the group's name suggests, the members are teenage superheroes, many of whom have acted as sidekicks to DC's premier superheroes in the Justice League. The original team later becomes known as the Titans when the members age out of their teenage years, while the Teen Titans name is continued by subsequent generations of young heroes

Created by: sukki
  1. who does robbin love
  2. what is raven's father's name
  3. does raven have a body
  4. what is the source of raven's powers
  5. which planet is tar fire from
  6. what city are teen titans from
  7. who is the tallest titan
  8. what kind of animal is suliki
  9. What is Robin's nickmame?
  10. Who is the original member of Teen Titans

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Quiz topic: How well do I know the teen titans
