How Well Do You Know The Amazing Race?

Yay you idwkwpqpqpqpwoowkdkdbskq amazing race Phil is cool fast forward Detour speed bump roadblock pit stop finish line route info speed bump express pass elimination route marker

fast forward Detour speed bump roadblock pit stop finish line route info speed bump express pass elimination route marker fast forward Detour speed bump roadblock pit stop finish line route info speed bump express pass elimination route marker

Created by: Bob Cheese
  1. What is a U-Turn
  2. What is an all star season?
  3. What is a roadblock?
  4. Who is the host of the show?
  5. What is a non elimination leg?
  6. What is a detour?
  7. What is a speed bump?
  8. What is the grand prize for a team that gets to the pit stops of the first and last legs on select seasons?
  9. What is a fast foward?
  10. What is the express pass?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know The Amazing Race?