How well do you know Teen Wolf?

How much do you know about Teen Wolf? Find out in this quiz. The hardest Teen Wolf quiz you will ever take! Will you be smart like Lydia or not-so-much.

do this quiz lmao its hella good and apparently i need to put 150 words here like nlgga how tf am i meant to do that many words what am i meant to write wtf

Created by: taleea
  1. What is the name of Lydia's pet dog?
  2. What is the name of Boyd's little sister?
  3. Which of these substances DO NOT have an adverse effect on werewolves?
  4. From oldest to youngest, who are the three Hale siblings?
  5. What is Issac's older brother's name?
  6. In order, what were the five categories of sacrifices?
  7. What was Stiles' mother's name, and what year did she die?
  8. Adrian Harris, the Beacon Hills High Chemistry teacher, was sacrificed in Season 3A. Which category of sacrifices did he fit into
  9. What instrument did Paige play?
  10. According to Boyd, who was his "only friend"?
  11. Who owned the dog named "Bullet"

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Teen Wolf?