How Well Do You Know Star Wars?

So you're a Star Wars fan, are you? Well, you might be a fan, but do you really know almost everything there is to know about it? You might - but if you take this quiz, you can find out for sure!

So go on! Scroll down and see whether you can pass with a good score. It may only be less than 20 questions, but among those questions are some of the most obscure details there are about Star Wars! Are you ready? Then let's go!

Created by: the nerdy nerd
  1. Let's start easy. Who are the two droids Luke Skywalker acquires on Tatooine?
  2. Maybe a little harder, but still fairly simple. What are the starfighters the Empire uses called?
  3. Easy so far? Just suffer through unbearably simple a little longer. Who sports the infamous cinnamon-bun hairstyle throughout most of the movie?
  4. You're hating this, aren't you? It's too simple. Well, let's make it a little harder then. What are Luke's aunt's and uncle's names?
  5. Oh, that's too easy too? Well, then, what is the name of the thin faced man who comes up with the plan to destroy Princess Leia's home planet to make her talk?
  6. Ooh, not so cocky now, are we? (Just kidding!) By the way, who is well-known for being VERY cocky during this movie?
  7. Have you gotten your confidence back? Brace yourself - it only gets harder from here. Let's go with this: what is the number designation of the stormtrooper who Han Solo impersonates on the Death Star? (Hint: it is said by an Imperial officer not long after Han pus on the suit.)
  8. If that stumped you, you will hate me for the rest of this quiz. Now let's see how well you know the MISTAKES. As several stormtroopers enter the control room where Threepio and Artoo are hiding on the Death Star, the one on the right...
  9. You hate me. I know it. Anyway, what is the name of the planet destroyed in this film?
  10. There, that's better, huh? Now this one is pretty hard. What is the name of the alien who shoves Luke into the table in the cantina?
  11. Sorry, that one was hard. This one is too: What is the name of the alien who speaks an alien language, first gets Luke's attention in the cantina, and has his hand cut off by Obi-Wan Kenobi?
  12. Moving on: in the ORIGINAL EDITION (unedited version/VHS version) who shoots first in the cantina?
  13. Are you ready to give up yet? How about this: what very well-known Star Wars theme does NOT appear in this film?
  14. If you haven't given this up by now, I'm impressed with you! Way to go! You're either VERY knowledgeable about Star Wars, or you're just unwilling to quit! So answer this for me: what color did they use for Darth Vader's eyes in the costume?
  15. I bet you're fed up with this by now. If so, it's okay if you leave it. If not, then what does Luke drink at a meal back on Tatooine?
  16. Was that a little easier? I hope so. Now, in the ORIGINAL EDITION (unedited version/VHS version) what happens to Obi-Wan's lightsaber as he fights Darth Vader right before it cuts to a scene of Luke and Leia running up to Han?
  17. Okay, it's almost over. Just one more! What was Luke's nickname given to him by his friends (seen in a deleted scene)?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Star Wars?