How Well Do You Know Shaz?

How well do you know me, Shaz? Well, I am hoping my true friends know me really well and will actually get 100%. I might just cry if you get below 50%. Especially if I consider you a real friend.

So, hopefully you won't make me cry, because then I'd have to be really mad at you and I don't like being mad. It makes me all grinchy and mean. You won't like me when I'm mean and then we'll probably stop being friends and that would really be bad.

Created by: Shaz
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is my dream husband?
  2. Who is my real boyfriend?
  3. Who is my all time favorite singer?
  4. Who is my all time favorite band?
  5. Which one is my Friday night line up?
  6. Who are my best friends?
  7. Who did I learn my make up style from?
  8. Where do I plan to live one day?
  9. I buy most of my clothes at...
  10. I have...

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Shaz?