How well do you know Rosie Phoenix?

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Greetings! This is a quiz about Rosie Phoenix, teenage writer and semi pro escapee in Flood Escape 2! You can test your knowledge on her and see what you know and don't know.

All information on this quiz can be found on her Twitter and Undertale Amino; Rosie Phoenix and TheBluePhoenix7 Art is by Blax on Undertale Amino and y e s I have a t i t l e

Created by: Rosie Phoenix
  1. What does Rosie also go by online?
  2. As of now, what is Rosie's favourite Flood Escape 2 map?
  3. Why doesn't Rosie accept friend requests on Roblox?
  4. Does Rosie prefer writing or drawing?
  5. What is the FE2 map she is currently working on called?
  6. What is her Twitter?
  7. What is the name of her FE2 fan character?
  8. What is a song Rosie is extremely fond of?
  9. Which two Undertale characters are her favourite?
  10. Around what age did Rosie really take an interest in writing?
  11. What FE2 maps is she yet to complete?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Rosie Phoenix?
