How well do you know redstone?

There may be some people who are good at redstone, but there are few who know all. What does it take to pass this quiz with 100%? It takes a year of practice, and some research.

Are YOU a redstone genius? Do you have the knowledge to pass? Untill now you never knew. But in just 10 minutes, you will find out if you are one yourself!

Created by: Supersmarthead
  1. How many redstone wires can you place before the signal dies out?
  2. How do you renew a redstone signal?
  3. What is a redstone torch tower good for?
  4. What is a redstone lamp?
  5. How many repeaters do you need for a 10 tick clock?
  6. What is an RS NOR latch?
  7. What is the best way to keep two redstone wires that are beside each other from connecting?
  8. What amount of time in real life is equal to one tick?
  9. Can you use redstone lamps for anything else other than lighting them up?
  10. What will happen if you fire some arrows onto a redstone lamp and then power the lamp?
  11. What is glowstone good for in redstone terms?
  12. Was my quiz fun? (No affect)

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Quiz topic: How well do I know redstone?