How Well Do You Know Me?

Hello! It's me HJ. I made this quiz just to test my friends and family on how well they know me. I've put together a quiz with random questions about myself, and yes I do know the correct answers.

I hope you enjoy this quiz, it took me a while to think of so many questions about myself but I had fun while making this :P Yeah.... nothing else to say........

Created by: HJ1906
  1. How old am I?
  2. What's my favourite colour?
  3. What's my zodiac sign?
  4. What's my favourite food out of these?
  5. Which one of these do I hate?
  6. Who's my favourite character on The Office?
  7. How tall am I?
  8. What are my favourite subjects in school?
  9. What's my favourite Kpop group?
  10. What is my pet peeve?
  11. Which one of these do I have?
  12. What colour are my eyes?
  13. What colour is my hair?
  14. What's my favourite kind of sweet food?
  15. What's my favourite time of the day?
  16. What do I do in my free time?
  17. Which song do I NEVER skip?
  18. Which one of these will I never do?
  19. Which one of these is true about me?
  20. Which career will I never choose?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Me?

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