Which Office Character are You?

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This quiz will tell you what character from The Office you are. No promises on its accuracyt, but hopefully it works semi-decently. Also answer honestly and don't answer to get a specific person

The ten people you can get are Ryan Howard, Michael Scott, Phyllis Vance, Pan Halpert, Jim Halpert, Dwight Schrute, Andy Bernard, Angela Martin, Kevin Malone, and Kelly Kapoor

Created by: Patrick
  1. You're invited to a huge party, you...
  2. You have to plan a party, first you...
  3. You're waiting for pizza to arrive, but it still hasn't come. You...
  4. Your best friend says they like someone in a relationship. You...
  5. You trip in front of a group of friends and are in pain on the floor. You...
  6. If others were to describe you in one word, they would call you...
  7. You are talking to someone and there is suddenly awkward silence. You...
  8. You find out someone cheated on you and you want revenge, so you...
  9. In your free time you...
  10. Would you want the role of assistant to the assistant manager?

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Quiz topic: Which Office Character am I?
