Which "DisneyBloopers" character are you?

Hey, random stranger! You're about to take a quiz made by another random stranger! Hope ya enjoy it, random stranger! Try not to get the answers wrong!

Also, part of what makes you the most like a certain character is how stupidly you answer the questions. Keep that in mind while you're answering. Enjoy!

Created by: DisneyBloopers.com of DisneyBloopers: Season 1
(your link here more info)
  1. How do you feel about taking this quiz?
  2. What is one plus one?
  3. You walk into your son's bedroom at twelve in the morning to make sure he's asleep, but he is instead watching "Family Guy" on his laptop under his bedsheets. What do you do?
  4. Which "Star Wars" movie is the best?
  5. What is your favorite TV show?
  6. Does your favorite TV show teach you good morals and life lessons?
  7. You're driving to work and another car cuts you off. What do you do?
  8. How would you sneak into a movie that is rated R or NC-17?
  9. You're going for a walk and a Karen starts yelling at you. What do you say?
  10. Which of these is the golden age of "Smosh"?

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Quiz topic: Which "DisneyBloopers" character am I?
