How Well Do You Know Me?

Heyo, I'm Eclipse, also known as Espie, Espi, Esp, Es, and E. I have a lot of nicknames, but that's alright! Now, hurry up and take this quiz; be it stranger or friend, I don't really care.

GoToQuiz Forums is a place where all the users of GoToQuiz come to chat. I met some of my soulfriends on there, and I'm bound to know you'll meet a friend, too.

  1. Who is my favorite band?
  2. Who was the first person on GoToQuiz Forums I spoke to?
  3. Which forum am I the most active on?
  4. Who is my GoToQuiz Crush?
  5. What time am I usually active on?
  6. What is my favorite animal?
  7. What is my favorite color?
  8. How old am I?
  9. What was the first roleplay I created?
  10. What's my favorite nickname people call me?

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Quiz topic: How Well do I Know Me?

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