How well do you know gotoquiz? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How well do you know gotoquiz?

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  • 38%

    The Red Rose
  • Using the wayback machine on you can find the first few threads then simy find the one with lowest id.

    o0o0o0o has 0s instead of capital Os to purposefully mess people up.

    Kish is higher then selena by percentage.

  • How did I get a 38%? The only questions I wasn't sure about were the ones with the quiz questions all together and how many quizzes there were. Other than that, I know that I got the other questions right. For the one about the first post on the forums, it is impossible to know unless if it was you because after a while, the very very old threads start to delete. For the banned user question, there could've been two choices since The Geek has also been banned. For the person who has the highest status level, there are a couple that have reached Expert. Selena, Kish, and I think one or two other people are Experts, and that's also been the highest a level has been reached. There are other questions with multiple answers, but I have now forgotten about them.


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