how well do you know final fantasy 1-13?

Well i made a typo, so far only 1-12 are out sorry bout that. well i wont be asking you about all of them. only a choice few. i hevent even played 6, 1, 2, 11, or 8 yet. but 8 has some 1 hit kill bosses so maybe ill try, but when i do complete them, i will make a 50 question quiz

so start trtaining! im not saying to spend countless hoyurs on the game, but stdy it up and play when you can, and soon, i will be a true master.... like Sepheroth....

Created by: Yuki
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. in FF13 what are the main brother characters names?
  2. in FF10-2, what are the three main charecter's names?
  3. What is "his" name?
  4. What is Final Fantasy? (there is more than one right answer here, so pick one of them and it will have the same effect of another)
  5. what are the lyrics to Yuna's song?
  6. in FF9, what does princess Garnet change her name to? (if you dint change it to something else)
  7. in FF3, what is the first person you see when it starts?
  8. In FF7, what is the main charecter's weapon?
  9. What is the rarest of all FF games?
  10. I know this question is stupid, but did you like this quiz?
  11. will you leave a comment and look at my other quiz? negima_what_negima_charecter_are_you

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Quiz topic: How well do I know final fantasy 1-13?