How well do you know Dad's Army?

Dad's Army is a British sit-com, shown from the years 1968 to 1977. It regularly gained millions of viewers every week, which is hardly surprizing for us super-fans!!!

So I put together this quiz so you can test your knowledge. I hope you enjoy it! Also, if you don't get a very high score yet, or aren't satisfied with your score, DON'T PANIC!!!

Created by: Rozita Mae Ellis
  1. In which year did the first episode of Dad's Army air?
  2. What was Private Pike's first name?
  3. In the final season, whom does Lance Corporal Jones marry?
  4. How many episodes of Dad's Army were there?
  5. How many girlfriends did Private Pike have?
  6. Who played the recurring character of Captain Square?
  7. What was the name of the platoon's local pub?
  8. What was Hodges' cheeky nickname for Captain Mainwaring?
  9. What was the Verger's catchphrase?
  10. Who sang the well-loved theme tune that was featured at the beginning of every episode?
  11. In which year was the original feature film brought out?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Dad's Army?
