How well do you know cell anatomy?

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This quiz will let you know how ell you know cell biology and how much you need to study it. If you don't get a good score than don't fell bad about it; just try harder next time.

As everyone knows cells are the most basic unit of life, it must be important for one to posses such knowledge os cell anatomy. So good luck on taking my quiz.

Created by: Tristan
  1. How many main types of RNA are there?
  2. THe cell membrane is made out of what?
  3. True or false : Mitochondria and chloroplast have their own set of DNA, separate from the cells
  4. If the above question was true than what is that idea called?
  5. Which type of cells have membrane bound organelles,a nucleus containing DNA, and are usually in a multi-cellular organism.
  6. What holds the DNA base pairs together?
  7. DNA and RNA share many differences. Which of these is a difference.
  8. Which of these organelles preforms cellular respiration?
  9. Which of these organelles is responsible for making RNA
  10. Which of these organelles is responsible for waste storage?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know cell anatomy?