Grey's Anatomy Quiz

All about Grey's Anatomy. If you don't watch the show then don't waste your time! So, you think you have what it takes? Go McAwnser the Mc Questions! Seriously!?!?!**

Do you know your Grey's 411? If you can really call yourself a true fan, then make above a 60%! If not, then you are just plain stupid or bored, either way, come back when you have actually watched the show! Seriously!?!?!**

Created by: Jill
  1. What are the first names of Meredith's parents?
  2. Match the hunky doc to his or her specialty.
  3. Who first dubbed Dr. Derek Shepherd "McDreamy"?
  4. Dr. Bailey is now a mom: What's the name of her newborn?
  5. What is the name of Joe's bar near the hospital, where all the doctors regularly hang out?
  6. What do all of the episode titles on 'Grey's Anatomy' have in common?
  7. What's the name of the show's theme song?
  8. Sandra Oh, who plays Dr. Cristina Yang, orginally wanted which other role?
  9. What was the real name of McDog, the pooch Meredith adopted, then gave to Addison and Derek?
  10. Where is the glass skybridge where "Grey's" doctors are often seen walking in hospital scenes?

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