What Cells at Work! Cell Are You?

Hello people. Welcome to this quiz. This is where you will see what Cells at Work! cell you are. Please don't take this quiz or your result seriously.

Please do not spam in the chat and I hope don't be upset if you get a different result wrote what you wanted. Please don't be sad if the cell you get is completely useless.

Created by: JumboMangos4life
  1. This question does not effect your result but I just want you to know that this quiz does not have every cell because I cannot write that many results.
  2. If someone showed an embarrassing picture of you in public, what would you do?
  3. Are you obnoxious?
  4. Are you better than average, average, or lower?
  5. What's your favorite color?
  6. Are you famous?
  7. What's something you say a lot/ like to say?
  8. Are you clumsy?
  9. What would you do if a germ came?
  10. Do you have friends?
  11. Gender?

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Quiz topic: What Cells at Work! Cell am I?

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