How well do you know Buck?AIO

Do you know what Odyssey is?Not Homers Odyssey,but AIO Odyssey.If you do than take this quiz about my favorite character!Potatoe Pizza Chocolate Stuff Ice

How much do you know about Buck?! My favorite character! Comment Please people!All the stuff that is stuffy stuff or tasty stuff with Y'all stuff Hallelujah stuff too

Created by: Texan
  1. (Easy one)What is Buck's last name?
  2. Who does he live with?
  3. Who voices this character?
  4. How many albums was he in JD?
  5. Where is the actor from?
  6. He said:"Whatever you say ,you'll incriminate yourself."
  7. He has been in a club episode.(7/17/17)
  8. What's his middle name?
  9. Last question!How many episodes is he in in "The Green Ring Conspiracy"?
  10. Hope you liked the quiz! Love you!Byye
  11. Blah

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Buck?AIO