How well do you know Avatar?

I know you people out there heard of the show Avatar the Last Airbender, so test your skills at my hard quiz that I spent hours on making. So I hope that you try your best and score high so you can gain my approval of a true Avatar nerd!

So this is where you test your skill of your Avatar knowledge. And just think of every episode that you can because I put some questions that are easy and I also put some really hard ones!

Created by: nunsofpoison
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How old is Aang( literally)?
  2. How was Katara's mother killed?
  3. Who is the only main chracter with a last name?
  4. What is the order that Aang has to learn the four elements?
  5. Who was the Avatar before Aang?
  6. What did Princess Yue turn into?
  7. Who gave Zuko the scar on his face?
  8. What is Uncle Iroh's favorite tea?
  9. What is Zuko's and Azula's mother's name?
  10. What was Hamma's (the puppetmaster's) special technique?
  11. What is Mai's weapon of choice?
  12. Why is Azula a prodigy?
  13. Who was is the king of Omashu?
  14. Who was the first person to break through the walls of Ba Sing Se?
  15. In Episode 14,"The fortuneteller", of Book One Water, what was the cloud symbol for volcanic destuction?
  16. What is the name of Katara's waterbending master?
  17. What machine did Azula use to break through the walls of Ba Sing Se?
  18. Who was incharge of the Dai Lee Agents inside Ba Sing Se?
  19. Who is the Blue Spirit?
  20. Who was one of Zuko's grandfathers?
  21. What is the name of the Earth King's pet bear?
  22. What do the Kiyoshi Warriors use as their main weapons?
  23. Why was Zuko banished?
  24. In Book 3, Fire, in the Episode "The Beach", who invited Azula, Zuko, Ty Lee, and Mai to a party?
  25. Where did Azula, Zuko, Mai, and Ty Lee go on their vacation?
  26. When Aang first wanted to learn firebending, what did he accidentally do?
  27. What is the name of the spirit that steals your face if you show any emotion?
  28. In the episode "Appa's Lost Days", who do Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee run into and get into a fight with?
  29. In the second season, whose library does the group visit?
  30. What was Ty Lee's occupation before she joined Azula on her hunt for Zuko, Iroh, anf the Avatar
  31. Who was Zuko's girlfriend?
  32. What was the first name that Sokka gave to "Combustion Man"?
  33. Once Zuko and Iroh became fugatives, what was their aliases?
  34. In Book 3, Fire, on "The Boiling Rock part 2", who betryaed Azula?
  35. Who do you think will be the next couple in Avatar?
  36. Who do you think is the strongest?
  37. Who do you think is the strongest?
  38. Who is the director of the up-coming Avatar Movie?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Avatar?