How well do you know Aidan Evers?

You have to know don't take this quiz if you don't know who aidan Evers is if you do you will enjoy this quiz. You might come to his school and have said hello you just need to know the facts.

Are you a genius at how well do you know aidan evers. He is a good friend and cares about everyone expersially his friends. he loves many people as friend and enjoyes company.

Created by: Skye

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is Aidan Ever's middle name?
  2. What colour is his hair?
  3. Does he like handball?
  4. Did he come to Blackstone from prep to year 7?
  5. Does he have a girlfriend?
  6. Does he rather please his friends than care about his heart?
  7. does he have a best friend called tristan?
  8. Does he go to Bundamba State Secondary college?
  9. Does he live at 3 alice St blackstone?
  10. Is he a loner with no friends and noone likes him?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Aidan Evers?