How well do you know Adam Sandler movies?

Adam Sandler is a comedy movie actor and is personally my favorite movie star. He also has a severly fat cat named Meat ball as you can tell in Anger Management.

How well do you know who Adam Sandler is. This quiz contains questions about my favorite sandler movies. Take this quiz and tell me if you liked it.

Created by: Dee
  1. In Anger Management, what is Adam Sandlers Therapists name?
  2. In Big Daddy, Adam Sandlers son changes his name to Frankenstein. What was his real name?
  3. In Little Nicky, Adam Sandlers mom has mambo lessons with Chubbs. What movie is Chubbs also from?
  4. In You don't mess with the Zohan, Adam Sandler gets a haircut called the what?
  5. In Billy Madison, what is Billys Grade 1s teachers name?
  6. In The Longest Yard, who craps their pants in the football game?
  7. In I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry, why does Adam Sandler and Kevin James get a gay marrage?
  8. In Just go with it, what is Jennifer Anitsons fake name?
  9. How does she think of the name?
  10. Are you ready for your results

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Adam Sandler movies?