How well do u know 5sos & 1D

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There are a lot of people in this world who know who 1D and 5sos is but are u one. Take this quiz to see if u are a directioner or a 5 seconder!!!!!!!

Have u ever felt like u want to see if u actually know the guys from one direction and 5 seconds of summer well. We'll find out in this quiz to see if u know the boys as well as u think..

Created by: Kenyah
  1. Who is the oldest in one direction
  2. Who changes the color of his hair the most in 5sos
  3. Who is the lead singer in both 5 seconds of summer and one direction
  4. In one direction, a interviewer asked them I've they were a girl who would they like/have a crush on. Who did they say?
  5. Who in 5sos, did the boys say have the hottest mom
  6. Who in 5sos takes the longest in the shower
  7. Who is the messiest in one direction
  8. Who eats a lot but doesn't gain any weight
  9. Who was the first to form 5sos
  10. Who came up with the name one direction and who's house were they at when they came up with the name "one direction"

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