How well do Know animals?

How well do you know animals? Let's see! In this quiz we'll see how well, and how much you know about animals. Do you know what a guinea pigs teeth are like? Have you ever catched a frog? These are important things in life. Let's see if you are a real animal expert!!!

Are you a top animal lover and expert? Are you good with animals and love them with all your heart? Are they just troublesome pets? Do annoy you when you're making lunch by begging? Or are they annoying bugs that need to be kept at a distance? Let's find out!

Created by: Paypay Peace
  1. What are Manx cats defining features?
  2. True or false: are wild rabbits home is called a Warren?
  3. Let's talk about Snakes!! Are Snakes a reptiles, amphibians, or mammals?
  4. What do you know about Kangaroos??
  5. What about guinea pigs? How well do ya know them? What kind of teeth do that have?
  6. Jellyfish? We're do they live?
  7. How's about those cute fuzzy lil bunny's huh? Gimmy some bunny breed names!
  8. Howza bout bull dogs?
  9. Let's see.... Are Owl's nocturnal?
  10. Do you know what a stick bug is?
  11. Tiger's!! What kind coat do they have?
  12. How about flamingos!! What do you know about them?
  13. What color are blue footed booby's feet? (There a kind of bird)
  14. Tadpoles! What are they?
  15. Now. How many pets do you have?
  16. What kind of animals do you have?
  17. All right... Last question... *Sigh*... How hard is it to catch frogs?

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