Your spirit animal quiz

Aside from day-to-day animals the enter our lives, there is also an entire world of spirit animals that are meant to guide us. The spirit animals that are assigned to us are meant to give us, strength, hope, love, and comfort. There are thousands of different spirit animals ranging from insects, reptiles, mammals, and more. Sorry I didn't add all the spirit animals, but please, enjoy the quiz.

Before we start, sometimes spirit guides visit us in our dreams, either warning of a life event that may occur soon, to show us how to be more playful, or manifest our own destinies. Whatever the reason, animals placed in your paths are there for a reason, and it is up to you to stop and notice them-to witness what is going around you what the universe is trying to tell you.

Created by: Mackenzie
  1. Hello! What's your favoruite color listed below????
  2. Today was the only day off from middle school. What would you do on a free day like this one??
  3. This question won't affect your result, but will you rate my quiz??
  4. This question won't affect your result either, are you enjoying time with me??
  5. Out of all these words, which one represents you the most?
  6. Out of these activities, which one would you try??
  7. What is your wish listed below??
  8. What's your parents' spirit animal?
  9. All information gotten. Now I'll quiz you on animals!! 1, what's the biggest animal in the world?
  10. The answer was Blue whale. 2, I have a colorful beak and black feathers. What am I ??????????
  11. The answer was Toucan. This quiz is over are you happy??

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Quiz topic: My spirit animal quiz
