What is your ideal animal???

Do you like small animals that aren't freaky like rats or mice or nocturnal like hamsters? then a guinea pig is for you. Do you like an animals that need exercise so you can get some too? Then choose between a dog or a horse.

Do like animals that will cuddle up to you and love you no matter what? Then a cat or a rabbit is for you! Sorry I forgot about fish!!! I hope you enjoy the quiz!!! Have fun!!!

Created by: Lady Cinderella
  1. What is your favourite animal?
  2. How much time do you spend at home per day?
  3. Are you allergic to anything?
  4. Do you mind cleaning up poo (Or animals that they have caught) either you or your parent/ Guardia does it??
  5. Do you mind grooming them daily?
  6. How much money can you spend on a pet?
  7. Why do you want a pet?
  8. Are you going to forget about your pet after the initial excitement goes?
  9. What style of house do you live in?
  10. How big is your garden?

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Quiz topic: What is my ideal animal???