How we'll do you know magcon?

Are you smart dumb or a genius about the magcon boys!!! If your dumb with them then stalk them lol that's hat I do all day errryydayyy!!!!!! Kisses kisses muah muah love all of y'all

Are you a real fan?!? If not why? Study or just stalk them like u do lol all day errryyday!! Love all of you beautiful girls and guys!!! Love ya!! Muah

Created by: Sierra Jacobs
  1. Who is your favorite magcon boy?
  2. What is Carter's moms catch phrase
  3. Who's ship name is cashew?
  4. Who's younger brother is Tristan-- I think I spelled it right but idk
  5. Who's younger brother is Tristan-- I think I spelled it right but idk
  6. Who's younger sister is Aaliyah?
  7. Who's younger sister is Aaliyah?
  8. Who had the most followers on ig?
  9. Who said try were done and almost gave all the real loyal fans a heart attack?
  10. Who was Carter's best friend
  11. Who is best friends with mahogany
  12. What was cams nick name

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Quiz topic: How we'll do I know magcon?