How to know if your in love

There are a lot of heart break and divorce in the world because people aren't really in love. They're just doing it because it makes them feel good or because it was just for fun. But why would you want your heart broken over someone because you or them were never really in love to begin with.

Are you really in love? Do you want a future with them? Is this a crush or something that could last a lifetime? I have come up with this quiz to give you real answers and if you really want to be with this person because even though I don't know you, I don't want you to be heart broken.

Created by: leslie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What happens when your around them?
  2. What do you want to be with them.
  3. How well do you know them
  4. If they ask you out today what would you say
  5. Can you picture the two of you starting a family
  6. How long have you known them
  7. How long have you liked them
  8. If you could ask them something wat would it be
  9. Wat would you say your song is
  10. Do you guys evan talk
  11. Wat are you guys right now
  12. Wat do your friends say
  13. Last question do you even want to be something

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Quiz topic: How to know if my in love