How statist are you?

This is a short quiz that will tell you how statist you are and it may even surprise you, most people don't think of themselves as statists but this quiz will help you find out if you truly are!

Are you a statist? Well it may surprise you how statist you are! A statist is someone who believes we need government, Take this short quiz to find out exactly how statist you actually are!

Created by: Tucker
  1. should all immigrants be required to learn English?
  2. Do you need/want any government?
  3. Do you support increased gun control?
  4. Should the government shut down Guantanamo bay?
  5. Would you consider yourself a statist?
  6. Do you support increased border security?
  7. Do you beileive in the constiution?
  8. Do you support the legalization of marijuana?
  9. Should we have free health care?
  10. Should public education be free?
  11. Who is your favorite potential 2016 president below?
  12. Should all drugs be legal without restrictions?

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Quiz topic: How statist am I?