How sheep are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How sheep are you?

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  • Forty percent sheep like,well I do like to keep to myself often along with being outside alot of the time to but I don't think I could handle all that fur even if I got it sheared it would still bug me once it grows back but cool quiz anyways though lol. Baa baa.

  • 100%
    You are 100% a sheep

    You have a great supply of sheep magic! Up there with the first sheep quite possibly. You can become a sheep translator a sheep medic a sheep council member ( high status ) a sheep warrior , a sheep wizard ( or witch ) or maybe a sheep hero

    I is the best sheep!

    Carter the sheep
  • You are 50% a sheep

    Hmm... You have half sheep magic half humane-ness you'd probaly be able to become a translator , a sheep medic or something or just be a human


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