how sexy are you

loads of people say their sexy.but does anybody really know is their sexy or not.well its time to find out.there are a lot of nice-looking people,but very few sexy people.

are YOU boys chase afer YOU.well its time to find just a few minutes you find will out weather your SEXY,AVERAGE OR UGLY.have fun and i hope you enjoy it

Created by: howya
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what colour hair do you have
  2. what type of hairstyle do you have
  3. what colour eyes do you have
  4. what type of figure do you have
  5. what is/was your fave subject in school
  6. what type of clothes do you wear
  7. its your birthday how do you celebrate
  8. how many friends do you have
  9. whats your fave colour
  10. how many times have you kissed somebody

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Quiz topic: How sexy am I