How Sexist Are You?

Ever wonder how sexist you were? Yellow, tyranosouros rex. James Bond. California. Leak. Irish. Kindle. Skyrim. Hollywood. Jamestown Virginia. Elton John.

Ever wonder how sexist you were? Yellow, tyranosouros rex. James Bond. California. Leak. Irish. Kindle. Skyrim. Hollywood. Jamestown Virginia. Alabama. Elton John.

Created by: Yomom123
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. You walk into a bar and see an attractive woman. You...
  2. Where do you think women belong?
  3. You see a couple having a fight. How do you react?
  4. Who should be president?
  5. Marriage is...
  6. Is your mate a good driver?
  7. Do you find sexist jokes funny?
  8. Your boss is a woman. What do you think?
  9. Was 1919 a good year?
  10. Do you assume this quiz was made by men?

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Quiz topic: How Sexist am I?