How Random are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Random are you?

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  • yay imma bein the random person!!!! i am so random that....... did u kno that i made a random quiz too! its called "are you random or just think you are?" pleeez take it! so wat we talkin bout? line jack from chicken little!

  • You are 79% random!

    You are random! You say funny things and do hilarious stuff for no reason. You are really close to being SUPER RANDOM. You know that, sometimes, its good to focus, but you just might need to add a little more balance in your life between being random, and being serious.

    oh yeah! i got 79% IM RANDOM!

  • Oh, i forgot to say, alegna and megasencce, your comments made my day!thnkx! xD

    Check out the Ultimate Twilight Quiz! and test your twilight skills, I mean, if you like twilight.

  • Hey guys! I made this quiz! well, me and my friend. Thanks for taking it and for the nice comments!

    P.S Dear laughy taffy,

    You probably are more random than 57%. My bff and I were just bored and made up a quiz so the results might not be the best. Don't get so down though! Try taking it again and see what you get! lol, butterbutt.

  • it was an awesometasitcal quiz, cause it said I was kinda random, but not to much, and thats like me! lol, thanks for making this, it was really funnnnnn.

  • laffy taffy,on almost evrey qwiz u take u dont give it a compliment!:P kool qwiz,10/10,i got 57%!

  • i am so much more random than 57% so i gave ur quiz 1 star...butterbutt

    laughy taffy

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