How Privileged are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Privileged are you?

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  • I am 100% disabled and severely depressed/ suicidal...but I am 41% unpriv. Obviously the weighting is done such that the test is skewed.

  • i have never had any perks or advanteges because of my race im successful now because i worked hard to succeed f--- you saying check my privlege.

  • 27% unpriveliged

    Youre still problematic af but at least you have a clue. What a load of bulls---. You can have privilege and be aware and help.

    As well as from the other comments I can see how rubbish this quiz is.

    For another it is for American in the medicine and insurance questions. Because where I live we get free health care and insurance isn't so expensive. So why don't you -creator of this quiz- maybe realise that you are not special. This quiz is stupid and so are you

    Bull sheet
  • You are extremely privileged!!! I bet you're some white cisgendered heterosexual male who never checks his privilege.

    no im female gay and get bullied for how light skinned I am but since im well of money wise all that other stuff doesn't matter right?

  • "You are extremely privileged!!! I bet you're some white cisgendered heterosexual male who never checks his privilege."

    damn I mean I'm a biracial, bisexual female who is fully aware of any privileges she has but okay

  • You are 4% unprivileged! 4%

    You are extremely privileged!!! I bet you're some white cisgendered heterosexual male who never checks his privilege.

    lmao, i'm actually an asian woman born and raised in Norway but whatever you say man

    • IKR this quiz doesnt post the right results.


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