How Privileged are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Privileged are you?

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  • All minorities and various sexual deviants are privileged. I'm certainly not privileged, as I had to f---ing WORK for everything in my life. Stop listening to racist a--holes, stop mutilating your genitals, stop thinking like babies and get to WORK!

    Big White Daddy can't save you if you kill Him.

  • I already knew how extremely priviliged son of a b---- i am.

    Aaditya Raj
  • 20% unprivileged i am a Hispanic gay trans guy but since

    I grew up in a good environment it means that Im am cis white heterosexual man wow I love this quiz

  • Ah yes being white and straight and non trans makes me privileged. Even though i have autism and havent been to school for 2 years even though im a minor and have bad anxiety. Whoever made this quiz clearly hates white cisgender people.

    • Totally and they also want to start fancying themselves autism/asperger's activists no please no I think we have enough problems without the left's help.

  • Imagine taking any of this seriously, lol. I doubt anyone who's taken this quiz is actually "privileged" at all, despite what it likes to point out towards anyone who's cis, white, or heterosexual. Identity politics are so funny yet so sad. Ever notice how nowadays when you tell someone you're gay, or trans, or whatever breed of beautiful sparkle unicorn you are, they don't immediately seize you, tie you to a stake, and light a fire beneath you? We don't live in the dark ages anymore. The Modern-day "oppression" everyone seems to be suffering from is quite literally anytime anyone expresses an opinion opposite to yours. The idea that skin color or sex should govern how more or less "privileged" a person is, is an insult to those who have actually suffered from prejudices because of said traits. I recommend a good dose of actual research, rather than feeding into the pseudoscience behind "white privilege" or "male privilege," etc. and here's a Hot Take: Facts don't care about your feelings. Either way, I honestly hope this quiz was meant to be satirical, because if so, you got me. Lmfao. And if anyone was wondering, I got 21%

  • 0% privilege 'I bet you're some cisgender, white, heterosexual male who has never checked his privilege' even though I'm gay and said I was in the quiz. Typical Liberal extremest s---...

  • I got 13% unprivileged. And it said you're probably some white cis straight male who never checks his privilege.

    I'm a mixed race bisexual girl(minor) who happened to grow up in a fairly good environment. I have never been discriminated against because of who I am. I wish that people stopped treating me like a victim because of who I am. I am not a victim because I'm 1/2 black or because I'm bi. Just stop.

    • Same percentage and its so annoying right? Like I understand that Im privileged, as Im white, upper middle class, and cisgender, but Im a pansexual girl who has depression and an eating disorder that affects me daily, not a straight mentally stable man who hasnt checked his privilege. This quiz is downright rude lmao

  • You are 16% unprivileged.

    Yes i am an 18 year old white cis heterosexual male. However, I dont feel privileged at all. At 15/16 my conditions at home were very bad to the point I had to leave. I was 'homeless' for 6 months, before that happened I had to defend myself with knifes and such against my dad. Home eventually became a warzone for some time. At 16 I had to sell drugs otherwise I would starve. I was later blamed by the system for all of it and spent 7 months locked up (at 16-17 years old). My chance of an education is completely f---ed because of all of this. So i have no diploma. My sibling is transgender, with a high school diploma and currently in college. And she feels very opressed, but we havent spoken for a few years.

    • I can see where your coming from, I'm now routing the accuracy of this quiz. Hope your life turns out better, God bless you

  • 24% unprivileged, and says I should "check my privilege more often."

    damn ok I mean I know I'm white and middle-class but I'm also transgender, pansexual, depressed, bullied, dysphoric and body dysmorphic, and my family struggles with money but sure tell me to check my privilege thats fine

  • You can't be trans without gender dysphoria. That just means you're cis and want to be special cause you don't 100% fit the gender norm.

    • Wow someone with brain cells

  • You may have encountered a few rough patches, but "things are still pretty good for you."

    Thanks. Yes, I am white. I am also heathen, mentally/physically disabled, pansexual, and gender fluid. I am not working and my parents help pay rent and medical. I went to schools where I was the only white and got beat up for it. But I'm only 40% underprivileged?

  • 0% unprivileged due to my father earns 150k$ per year. But I am colored of women(Asian, but from developed country with pale skin tho), and this site said that I assume youre white male whove never thought what the privilege is. Hmmmm......yes, by considering the top of 0.00000001% or something, it tends to be white male, but is it true that upper middle class people are mostly white male....? First of all, I chose female in question 2...

    • Hmmm, apparently, I'm a cisgender heterosexual white guy...wowwwwww. They shouldn't have been that rude, even if I was that.

    • So true this guy needs to watch what he says!

  • 0%
    Where's my trophy made by minorities
    *Puts MAGA hat on*

  • I guess being gay isnt enough to not be "privileged" too huh?

  • Just as I expected lol a triggered SJW response!

  • Wow my result was very rude :I

    • You are 39% unprivileged! 39%

      You may have encountered a few rough patches, but things are still pretty good for you. Make sure you're not engaging in systematic misogynistic culturally appropriative racist patriarchal power structures to minimize how problematic you are. This was mine.

  • This is the dumbest quiz i have ever taken.

  • "You are extremely privileged!!! I bet you're some white cisgendered heterosexual male who never checks his privilege." You're gonna say i have privilege because I'm white and I'm being berated for my sexuality so apparently your sexuality only matters if you're gay and me being straight is somehow invalid?

  • I like how I am a minor, mixed race, depressed (with anxiety), bisexual, cisgender, female but I got %12 unprivileged and called a white cisgender heterosexual male just because my parents have a little money. money isn’t everything and it’s not like I have any of my own.

  • I also like how half of these comments say they're Native American but only 18% are alive

  • 64% unpriveliged. I guess it makes sense I mean I'm a fourth Japanese, native American, Greek, and Norwegian but I live in the US. I also have multiple neurodivergent disorders and mental disorders, live below the poverty line (as far as I know) discriminated and have a lot of gender and sexuality issues. Wow I'm privileged 😂

  • You are 23% unprivileged! 23%

    You're still problematic af. but at least you have a basic understanding of the struggle. Check your privilege more often.

    I'm a half Indian, half white minor female who is bisexual and lower middle class. So I guess so?

  • 7% unpriviledged only cuz im not 18 lmao. Im a white heterosexual cis male that had suicidal tought, but well....

  • >waa waa look at me im a minority thats so insecure that I have to take a test to convince myself that I'm underpriveliged.

    >n ative american
    >internet access
    >lives in north america
    wow poor you go die

  • Lol I got 51% unprivileged. I’m poor and disabled and part Native American. I’m not privileged at all. >.


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