How pretty are you?

Girls only!!!In our world. Some people are really quite ugly. In the other hand there are some stunningly amazing looking people walking our earth. Many people don't know where they stand.

If you have ever truly wanted to know how pretty you are, you should take this test. If your results aren't exactly what you wanted, try not to take it personally. Thanks for taking this quiz ;)

Created by: Sinead perry
  1. What colour hair do you have
  2. What color eyes do you have
  3. How tan are you
  4. Do you have freckles or braces?
  5. How tall are you
  6. How would you describe your hair
  7. How big are your lips?
  8. How clear is your skin
  9. Do you have freckles
  10. How many people do you know that have/ have had a crush on you?

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Quiz topic: How pretty am I?